Menacing Carnivors

This species as the name already says exclusively feeds on raw meat. The very special way of digesting its prey leads to very unique products a hunter can obtain. The items of interest are little glass plates that arise in the so called process of glassification. They are coveted materials for craftsmanship.
During their development, they go through various stages which ultimately manifest in specific habits and appearance.
The full-grown carnivor is the most menacing of its species. It has all the attitudes of its former stages, but is stronger in every point. Furthermore it has a defence tail by which its victims are attacked and poisoned.
Menacing Carnivors have 3500 hitpoints. They cannot be paralysed. Moreover, they are strong against physical damage. On the other hand, they are weak against ice damage. These creatures can neither be summoned nor convinced. In addition, they are able to sense invisible creatures.
Menacing Carnivors yield 2112 experience points. They carry morning stars, platinum coins and sometimes other items with them.
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